2009年4月21日 星期二

Top 6 Tips on Course Design from an Instructional Designer

在 Litmos Blog 中看到一篇文章,名為”Top 6 Tips on Course Design from an instructional Designer”,雖然自己主要的業務不是在教學設計,但是看了之後,真的是心有戚戚焉,作者為Jason Willensky,原文:Top 6 Tips on Course Design from an Instructional Designer

  1. Old news: Make sure your learning objectives are clear and measurable, then make sure that your content and assessment align with your objectives. The current crop of eLearning tools are sensational and feature-laden, but don't lose sight of what's essential to a powerful training experience.

  2. Forget that you ever saw a PowerPoint presentation. Use text judiciously. Use graphics, video, and animation where possible to make your point. Use text to enhance or reinforce.

  3. Liberate your voice-overs from identical messages in text or graphics. Script in a way that allows the narrator to target what's important about the visual elements on the screen. Your learners don't want to hear a voice reading bullet points.

  4. Use white space. Don't pack too much into one frame. Same goes for voice; introduce narration after the learner soaks up visual information for a short span of time. Experiment -- not everything has to be simultaneous.
    (編註:YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!這個問題,從早期的網頁設計到現在的教材設計都看得見,客戶的心態是希望花錢,就要有獲得,在要求廠商將畫面塞得滿滿的,看起來是很豐富,但卻模糊了學習的焦點。從教學的角度來看,在學習過程中,設計一些能讓使用者停下來思考的內容或互動,會效的讓學習者消化)

  5. Keep the learner's mouse moving. Even a pop true-or-false question can be an oasis in a desert of one-way information. If you're stuck with dry material, mix it up -- a basic interaction is better than none.
    (編註:在數位學習的環境,有天生的限制,因為你不能控制學生乖乖的坐在電腦前,但有時是因為單調的學習方式,才會讓學生想分心。設計一些簡單的互動,可以讓課程有趣,但是,請不要誤解作者的”a basic interaction is better than none”,重點還是要設計跟課程有關的互動)

  6. The learner doesn't care about your tools. Think about creating a learning experience that's completely usable, transparent, and effortless for the learner. Get feedback on your efforts, and make adjustments.

